Our developers do understand that when creating websites and apps, attention must be paid to every detail, however small it seems to be.
Icons denoting functional elements or sections of a website or an app, bear a certain meaning, so their development is no joke. Unfortunately, many designers don’t think so – they use a standard complex of signs without thinking of how they will look like on a certain page or in the app interface.
Our specialists completely disagree with such an approach. They understand that the user’s perception of a site or an app greatly depends on how a small icon looks.
The general impression of the company site depends on many factors, including whether the icons harmonize with the website style. It is hardly achieved if one uses a ready-made set of icons. Users usually notice that the designer just picked the low-hanging fruit, so to speak, without respect to the Client’s interests. In such a case, the icons do not harmonize with the entire design, they simply don’t match – just like rubber boots are a bad match to an evening dress.
Besides, well-selected icons improve the site usability by simplifying navigation. The site becomes more user-friendly, so, its owners get more profit.
The icons for apps must fit into common style of the interface; otherwise it will be sloppy-looking. That’s why icons should be developed specifically for apps, even if ready-made sets are available.

As you know, images on the icons are heavily standardized for users’ convenience. People got used to the fact that an image of, say, a gearwheel, always stands for Settings. As a rule, icons with the same images are used for such actions as to save, copy, exit, move to menu.
But the same gearwheel can be drawn in different ways. Our designers create sets of icons, which are perfectly suitable for a certain site or app. These icons can be clearly viewed in all browsers (for sites) and are seen well on screen of any size (for apps), so, the user doesn’t need to take a closer look at them for a better viewing.
Beauty plus functionality is the main goal of our designers, whatever they do, including development of icons – small in size but not in importance.
An icon is an important attribute of any mobile app. It is an icon that attracts user’s attention when he/she searches for something in the store. That’s why one must pay particular attention to design of icons, because success of your app depends on this small detail – among others, of course.
The icons that are in line with your company’s corporate identity, are important means to improve both users’ perception of the website and conversion, which brings profit to the company.
We will create a Favicon (Website or Web page indicator) for your Website, so your client will easily recognize your Website in the tabs, bookmarks and other interface elements of the browser.