Each successful company has its very own corporate style, a.k.a. corporate identity, unique and recognizable. To succeed at today’s market with its fierce competition, it is very important for a company to differ from others, to stand out of the crowd – and, therefore, attract attention of potential consumers to its goods and services more effectively.
Corporate style among other things includes a unified approach to product packaging design (use of certain color combinations, the same style, etc.), as well as unified format of business papers and documentation, and use of certain advertising techniques.

Consistent corporate style makes an important contribution to formation of the company’s image – original, recognizable, attractive. The company’s solid reputation, its goodwill are valuable intangible assets. After all, consumers of goods and services transfer their positive perception of the company towards its products, which significantly increases sales.

Thanks to the corporate style, consumers can easily identify the company’s products and advertising, which makes advertising more effective and increases the demand for goods or services offered by the company.

The corporate style helps the consumer to identify the company’s goods or services from the mass of similar ones offered by its competitors, facilitating the selection process. While choosing the item to buy, the consumer will rather pay attention to the packaging of a familiar color with a well-known logo.
People who are familiar with your company’s corporate identity are more likely to pay attention to your advertising, distinguishing your message from the general flow of advertising, which we all have learned to ignore. A firm with a recognizable style is much easier to bring new products to the market, its advertising is more effective and memorizable.
In addition, well-thought-over corporate identity greatly simplifies speeds up and reduces the cost of marketing communications development; besides, it unites employees, rises corporate spirit, positively influences consumers’ perception of its goods.
A well-developed corporate style is one of the main weapons in the struggle for consumer’s attention. Moreover, corporate identity is the basis of the entire communication policy of the firm and an important component of branding.
- a logo, designed specifically for your company;
- carefully selected fonts and colors for your advertising products and documentation;
- ready-made mock-ups of corporate style elements to be used on different media (in the future you can order branded envelopes, letterheads, business cards, and much more).
The set of elements of a corporate identity is determined individually in each case, depending on the firm’s sphere of activity. All these elements always have something in common, so they are perceived as part of a consistent system.